Friday, December 03, 2004

dahil bagyo.. at walang pasok..

I was quite intrigued (or should i say "startled"), when i came across this passage from the book i was reading, To Hell and Back by Maurice S. Rawlings,M.D.

Here it goes.. ;

It may surpirse students of evolution to learn that in the closing days of his life, Charles Darwin reportedly embraced his previous biblical faith. According to Lady Hope of Northfield England, a friend frequenting his bedside, some of the following occured:

It was one of those glorious autumn afternoons that we sometimes enjoy in England when i was asked to go in and sit with Charles Darwin.....

He was sitting up in bed, porpped up by pillows, gazing out on a far-stretching scene of woods and corn fields, which glowed in the light of a marvelous sunset. "What are you reading now?" I asked."Hebrews," he answered. "The Royal Book I call it." Then, as he placed his fingers on certain passages, he commented: "I made some allusion to the strong opinions expressed by many on the history of the Creation and then their treatment of the earlier chapters of the book of Genesis."

He seemed distressed, his fingers twitched nervously and a look of agony came over his face as he said, "I was a young man with uninformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time about everything. To my astonishment the ideas [of evolution] took like wild-fire. People made a religion of them."

Then he paused... "I have a summer house in the garden which holds about thirty people. It is over there (pointing through the open window). I want you very much to speak here. I know you read the Bible in the villages. Tomorrow afternoon I should like the servants on the place, some tenants, and a few neighbors to gather there. Will you speak to them?"

"What shall i speak about?" I [Lady Hope] asked.
"Christ Jesus... and His Salvation. Is not that the best theme?"1

ano daw? Charles Darwin, after presenting radical theories on the origin of the earth, evolution, etc., while he lived, now reads the Bible on his deathbed and even wants to share the Gospel to about 30 more people. So, did he became a Christian before he died? Did he reject his thoughts and theories he believed in for so many years when he
knew that death is slowly crawling towards him? Did he convert into rubbish all his previous assumptions and turned to believe in the existence of God? Or was the "Father of Modern Evolution" scared of his death that he turned back to his previous biblical faith and seek its security for "afterlife"?

If he did.. then.. why am i still studying the Theory of Evolution, the Hybrid Theory, etc. when the founder of these theories himself rejected them and accepted the existence of an Almighty God who created the universe.. and man - in the end? Why do some still believe in his theories and also proclaim themselves as "atheist" and say that we came (or 'evolved') from monkeys.. one celled organisms as our main ancestor? Well, i cannot really answer these questions, but i think let me quote another phrase from the book: "When death is chasing you in the emergency room, there is no atheist."2

Charles Darwin had many things in his mind when he was alive, but what was in his mind when he is about to die? Death scares people. After closing your eyes (or sometimes you stay awake, with eyes wide open, especially when you die in an accident..) and breathing your last breath in your deathbed, what will happen next? Will you still see those people you love? What will happen to the persons and things you love? Will you ever see them again? Can
you still hold hands with your special someone or wear your favorite dress or send a 'txt' message to your friends? Can you still listen to rock,punk,R&B,jazz,hiphop, soul,classical or whatever type of music it may be, after your brain cells stop working?

How will a non-working heart feel inside your chest? What will you hear, if not heartbeats?

Well, honestly, while typing this article (or blog), im felt a little depression run through my 'veins'(or arteries) and into my fingers.. but still, i have good news for you! Death is now defeated. How? Through Him who died on the cross, but came back from the dead and now lives and sits on the right hand of God. He is Jesus Christ. Because He
loved you so much, He died on the cross for your sins and mine just so that we can live with Him, eternally, in heaven. You may say that this is full of rubbish, but dude.. even great-well-known-guys like this Charles Darwin rejected himself and accepted Salvation through Christ. You need to humble yourself and admit that you need Him.

I know that you're not dying yet, but the time is now to receive His love. Think about it. What if your computer monitor suddenly exploded in front of you and a sharp material penetrated deep into your throat, stopping your respiratory system, and in seconds.. wehehe.. j0kE LaNg!!

but, seriously, where will you be after this?... after this brief phenomenon called life?

1 Rawlings, Maurice. To Hell and Back. Thomas Nelson Publishers,1993. p 97-98.
2 Rawlings, Maurice. To Hell and Back. Thomas Nelson Publishers,1993. p 93.


Blogger Yan said...

woah.. really... c charles darwin? i gotta reflect on this too... great post anyway! ^_^

11:40 AM  

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